Saturday, May 22, 2010

Making a Quilted Eyeglass Case: Step 4

Next, I cut a piece of felt to the same size as the quilt top (*Tip: go a little bigger than the quilt top.  You can always trim the edges, and I found it tricky to line this part up otherwise.)  Place the quilt top face down and place the felt on top, lining up the edges.  Fold the quilt and felt in half.
Next, I sewed along the side edge, all the way through both sides of the felt and quilt top.  Make sure to leave enough space at the edge so the thread doesn't pull through the felt when you turn the piece right side out.
Next, I squeezed the bottom of the case together, making sure to line up the front and back diamond pattern (*the side seam you sewed will end up about an inch or so from the side edge of the case for the bottom seam).  Then I simply sewed along the bottom edge.
Next, I turned the eyeglass case right side out, making sure to pop the corners out as best I could.

Last but not least, I cut the piece for the top binding (*I learned to leave cutting this piece until the end since the finished size may vary a little.)  I cut this to be about half an inch longer than once around the top of the case.  Then, I pressed a 1/4" of each side of the top binding under with the iron, then folded in half and pressed again.  (* You press the edges under so that the fabric won't show fraying).  

Next, I hand sewed the top binding to the top of the case going all the way through both sides of the binding and  one side of the quilt top and felt.  And so we have:  The FINISHED EYEGLASS CASE!! Here are some pictures of all three of the eyeglass cases I made.

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