Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spotty Cat Wallhanging - Sewing on the Applique

In this post I will discuss how I sewed on the applique pieces onto the background.  I hand sewed on all my applique for this project, since there were a lot of small pieces and hand sewing them gave me more control.  The strategy I used for sewing these on was to first assemble the pieces on the applique chart and compare to the included picture to make sure I had the order and positioning correct.  Then I moved a few of the pieces in an area onto the background and basted them in place with long stitches of contrasting thread.
I sewed each basted piece to the background and then removed the basting stitches.  For the cats spots, I basted them all on at once, then sewed them on.

Last to be added for the cat were the ears, face, and front paw.  I then painstakingly sewed around the edges of the vines and leaves.

Next post will discuss embroidering on the details, and quilting the wall-hanging.

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